External Links

Please find here links to groups and organizations tackling similar issues.

Bright Line Watch
One of the greatest threats to democracy is the idea that it is unassailable. At a time of potential danger to American democratic norms and institutions, it is more urgent than ever for scholars to highlight the risks to our system of government. In this spirit, Bright Line Watch brings together a group of political scientists to monitor democratic practices, their resilience, and potential threats.

Democracy Threat Index
We’ve partnered with the independent experts at Authoritarian Warning Survey (@AuthWarning) to evaluate the current level of threat to American democracy. The score from 0 (no threat) to 100 (total democratic breakdown) compiles ratings from democracy experts across the country and political spectrum on six key metrics that are related to our priority work areas.

Democratic Erosion
Democratic Erosion is a cross-university collaborative course that aims to help students critically and systematically evaluate the risks to democracy both here and abroad through the lens of theory, history, and social science.

Freedom House
Freedom House’s programs support human rights and democracy advocates in their efforts to promote open government, defend human rights, strengthen civil society and facilitate the free flow of information and ideas. Freedom House primarily offers assistance through trainings, international exchange programs, grant giving and networking activities. In addition, Freedom House offers symbolic and moral support through advocacy and visible demonstrations of solidarity on behalf of counterparts abroad.

World Governance Indicators Project
The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for over 200 countries and territories over the period 1996–, for six dimensions of governance: Voice and Accountability; Political Stability and Absence of Violence; Government Effectiveness; Regulatory Quality; Rule of Law; and Control of Corruption.

Crowd Counting Consortium
A public interest project to document crowds and contention in the United States.